Frequently Asked Questions

Steps are:

  1. Register on our Platform as a Publisher
  2. Approve your account with a link sent to registered email
  3. Fill out financial information to be able to receive payments
  4. Add your site, choose a format and get a code

Our manager will contact you during 24 hours for further details

We use CPM pricing model. Your CPM depends on various factors: country, users performance, amount of unique users, ad placements, website content quality, etc.

We work on NET30 payment terms. This means that we pay within 30 days after end of the last month. Our minimum payout is $200.

Our payment methods are Payoneer, Wire transfer/Credit Card. We can send payments to any country of the world.

Impression is registered only when the ad is loaded and is in view user zone.

We have world wide coverage for all 193 countries. Though demand can vary depending on various factors. And if you see a country, which we have no ads for, then you need to enable a passback tag. Thus, you can send unmonetized traffic to another ad network you work with. In this way you don’t lose money and increase your revenue.

We offer instream and native (outstream) formats:

  1. Pre-(Mid-,Post-)rolls
  2. Slider
  3. InRead
  4. Top-Roll

We recommend you to set up one tag per page.

The reasons are:

  • Your site isn’t online
  • Errors while browsing the website
  • Low content quality
  • Site is already approved
  • Doesn’t fit for advertisers

Each new Publisher gets an assigned manager right after registering. You can find our manager contact in your account. Ask your personal manager any related question.